
Ghent festival – photos

This post has a lot of photos, so if you’re reading this on your mobile, I’d leave it until you’re in front of a computer.

This weekend is a bank holiday weekend here in Belgium, and we’ve made good use of it! We’ve been to the International Bathtub Regatta in Dinant, seen the games fair and the biennial carpet of flowers in the Grand Place in Brussels, and been to Leuven. Since it’s going to take me a while to go through the photos, however, I thought I’d tell you about Ghent today…

The other week, it was the Ghent festival. This is an annual multi-day (and night) music festival in Ghent, which is somewhere I still hadn’t managed to go. So, we decided to go and visit for the day. The music stages were being set up, and we didn’t stay long enough to hear the big acts that were playing, but there were small groups of musicians around the city playing on the street, including the only man who has ever managed to make me think the accordion is a viable musical instrument. (There was a boy who was also good, and who photographed well – but the man was absolutely excellent.)

There is also an apparently regular market that runs at the weekends in Ghent, selling everything from CDs and clothes to, well, this:

terrifying clockwork monkey

Now that I’ve managed to share the hideousness – and doesn’t that monkey look like it would rip your face off while you’re sleeping? – Ghent was as lovely as everyone told me, and we’ll certainly be going back to see the city without the stages and marquees; they did somewhat get in the way of Ghent’s beautiful city centre. And here are some of the many photos I took while I was there.

An elephant with balloons

Boy playing the accordion - black and white

CLose-up of a purple flower


Ghent clock tower

Ghent river view

Glasses and silver teapot

Graffiti alley - Ghent - B&W

Graffiti alley - Ghent - black and white

Guitarist - black and white - Ghent

Mini dolls house bookshop - full shop

Mini dolls house bookshop - maps on the wall

Scary statue

tat for sale during Ghent Festival

terrifying clockwork monkey

VIolinist - black and white

Walking down the street - Ghent - black and white

Walking over the bridge - black and white - Ghent

Wild pissing forbidden

Women playing music - Ghent - black and white

yellow house by the riverside